The economic and social crisis in Venezuela it's each day worse, people are dying for demanding his rights, killed in protests, starving to death, and the government doesn't seem to do anything about it. If you want to help, inform yourself, read about it, tell the world what's going on in our country, raise awareness and help us fight the lies, the hate and the deaths. Help us fight for our freedom.


La crisis económica y social en Venezuela está cada día peor. La gente está muriendo por demandar sus derechos, mueren en protestas, mueren de hambre, y el gobierno no parece hacer nada al respecto. Si quieres ayudar, infórmate, lee sobre lo que está pasando, dile al mundo lo que sucede en nuestro país, crea conciencia y ayúdanos a combatir las mentiras, el odio, las muertes. Ayúdanos a luchar por nuestra libertad.


A Game by Hector Vargas for the Venezuela Crisis Jam

Special Thanks to Marien Sequera (for audio clips and Moral Support)

Some audio clips were taken from 


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